Addendum: it is distinctly possible that experimental science was actually born in somebody’s garage, rather than any institution of higher learning (as previously stated). Universities always like to take credit for “scholarship” but some of the greatest discoveries have often come about when people have too much time on their hands and are goofing around with dangerous substances. I mean, have you ever wondered how the ancient people of South America finally discovered that, after enough selective breeding, a potato wasn’t poisonous? Who was crazy enough to take that first dare and actually climb up onto the horse (I’m guessing his name was something like “Ari”, an early form of “Leroy”)? Or how about this fateful but forgotten scene from the Bacon household:
“Frank, for the last time, stop transmuting that old piece of junk and come inside right now; the goose is getting cold!”

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rest assured i was not the first to climb up onto the horse. i'm deathly afraid of horse back riding. not horses, just riding them. and downhill skiing. i think those are my only fears. i hope that all is going well for you across the sea. it is unfortunate that our paths did not cross while you were state side as i would have loved to greet you with a hand shake and perhaps even a one armed hug (while our shaking hands are still crossed in front of us, of course). only the manliest of greetings will do.
Mais bien sûr, mon pot. C'est vraiment dommage que je t'a manqué quand j'était brèvement aux É-U !
Of course, dude. It's really too bad that I missed you when I was briefly in the U.S.!
Bon courage et à la prochaine !
The question to be answered about our enlightened friends is this: Are they expressing a purely human and noble hearts cry for truth, or are they promoting and perhaps reintroducing another religion? Is their only agenda truth?
Ah patience please, dear readers -- I'm heartened to read your responses, but please remember that I've only begun to fight. I never said anything about "pure" heart's cries, but one thing at a time -- there is a lot to come here. As for religion -- what exactly is religion? But I must go -- there are signs in the heavenlies . . .
Oh, and in case you're wondering about how I would know the name of the guy on the horse, I've rubbed shoulders with enough of his ilk in Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas to know that all one has to do is look in the back between the loops and west of the Wrangler® patch. It's a pretty simple science, really.
I could add to this discourse that the method can be usefully employed with certain of my mother's people. (Scene at a Shaw or Fetzer family reunion) "H'llo, Uncle (glancing 'round back) ... Larry ... so, uh, what brought you all the way out here?"
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