This is another brief break in the "Blind and the Blind" series. Although I am a staunch supporter of reducing the paternalistic trends of the past in regards to missions, Mr. McCaughey makes some very important points in this article:
In running too far from the one problem, namely being enlightened white-men saving the heathen savages with our civilized Gospel (missionary colonialism, if you will), we must beware beginning another harmful trend: missionary neo-colonialism.
My essay is due to resume soon. I wonder if my readers can guess where we are headed next? Remember, unless otherwise indicated, the opinions expressed in "The Blind and the Blind" are not necessarily my own, in fact, I question many of them myself.
But now, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this article, as, I'm sure, is Mr. McCaughey.
-- Corineus the Galatian
P.S.: Ironically, I'm typing this from a computer in Jules Ferry School. Président Ferry was a leading proponent of "la mission civilisatrice", that is, "the civilizing mission" of (white) France towards the rest of the world (e.g. Indochina, Algeria, &c.).

I agree for the most part on the article. As much as westerners seem to think that they have moved beyond their predecessors, there is still much that is happening today in what you call "neo-colonialism." Unfortunately, it is even more sinister than "colonialism" proper.
You guys still possess that western superiority mentality, even among those who are "liberal." White guilt is not designed to incapacitate, but to own up, and move on so that past errors would not be repeated again. As such, I don't really know what to think of "missions" anymore. There is more to the gospel than simply making people change their beliefs (ie. a simple repent and convert scheme)...worse still, a western Enlightenment model gospel. Yikes!
Tink Tinker, my professor of Indian religious traditions and culture said it best... "tell us the gospel, and leave!" I doubt he would say that these days since he has taken quite a different stance on missions. Oh well. How are things in Francais and how is patriarchal consumerism day (ie Valentines) treating you?
I didn't consume any patriarchs, only a kebab. Come to think of it, it might have been a patriarch, but it sure tasted a lot like roast mutton. These American-ised holidays are taking France by storm, but they still haven't become quite as crazy as they are back home. Come back in a few years, though . . .
I'd love to have a chat with you sometime, because I'm curious to hear your opinion on missions, &c., but sadly, comrade, time and space are our enemies.
Hold fast.
"You guys" = LOL
Where do you live Kit....?
Let's rephrase that. "WE" instead of "you guys." And yes, I have my own shit to deal with too.
Uh, sorry, wrong number, Barb. On est désolé !
Interesting to know.
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